Analysis of the Relationship Between Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Understanding in Visual Expressions and Problem-Posing Ability: Focusing on Multiplication and Division of Fractions
손태권 Son¸ Taekwon
26(4) 219-236, 2023
손태권 Son¸ Taekwon
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 219-236, 2023
This study examined the relationship between preservice teachers' mathematical understanding and problem posing in fractions multiplication and division. To this purpose, 41 preservice teachers performed visual representation and problem posing tasks for fraction multiplication and division, measured their mathematical understanding and problem posing ability, and examined the relationship between mathematical understanding and problem posing ability using cross-tabulation analysis. As a result, most of the preservice teachers showed conceptual understanding of fraction multiplication and division, and five types of difficulties appeared. In problem posing, most of the preservice teachers failed to pose a math problem that could be solved, and four types of difficulties appeared. As a result of cross-tabulation analysis, the degree of mathematical understanding was related to the ability to pose problems. Based on these results, implications for preservice teachers' mathematical understanding and problem posing were suggested.
Analysis of the 2015 Revised Mathematics Textbooks on Quadrilaterals : Focusing on the Instructional Components of 2-D Shape
권미선 Kwon¸ Misun
26(4) 237-255, 2023
권미선 Kwon¸ Misun
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 237-255, 2023
At a time when the textbooks publishing system is changing from government-administered to certified, it is necessary to analyze textbooks published in both systems. This study analyzed one government textbook and three certified textbooks on quadrilaterals based on the instructional components that must be taught in the area of 2-D shapes. As a result of the analysis, it was found that concept exploration was implemented appropriately, but classification activities were not presented in some lessons. In Defining Concepts, the definition of the concept was presented appropriately, but there were differences depending on the textbooks. In addition, it was found that there was little activity in talking about the components of shapes or shapes. In applying concepts, more diverse activities were presented in certified textbooks than in government textbooks. Knowing relationships are rarely presented in textbooks due to its influence on the curriculum. Based on the results of this analysis of quadrilaterals, this study provides textbook writers with implications on what to further consider is dealing with quadrilaterals.
Teaching Practices Emphasizing Mathematical Argument for Fifth Graders
황지남 Hwang¸ Jinam
26(4) 257-275, 2023
황지남 Hwang¸ Jinam
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 257-275, 2023
In this study, we designed and implemented a instruction emphasizing mathematical argument for fifth-grade students and analyzed the teaching practices. Through a literature review related to instruction emphasizing mathematical argument, we organized a teaching model of five phases that explain why the general claim that the sum of consecutive odd numbers equals a square number is true: 1) noticing patterns, 2) articulating conjectures, 3) representing through visual model, 4) arguing based on representation, 5) comparing and contrasting. Then, we analyzed the argumentation stream by phases to observe how the instruction emphasizing mathematical argument is implemented in the elementary classroom. Based on the results of this study, we discuss the implications of teaching a mathematical argument in elementary school.
A Development Study of a Framework for Analyzing the Educative Features of Teacher Guidebooks for Elementary Mathematics
방정숙 Pang¸ Jeongsuk , 박예진 Park¸ Yejin , 오민영 Oh¸ Minyoung
26(4) 277-298, 2023
방정숙 Pang¸ Jeongsuk , 박예진 Park¸ Yejin , 오민영 Oh¸ Minyoung
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 277-298, 2023
Despite the significance of teacher guidebooks as a support for teacher learning, there are few studies that address the educative features of teacher guidebooks. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for analyzing the educative features of teacher guidebooks for elementary school mathematics. The framework developed by Fuentes and Ma(2018) for analyzing teacher guidebooks, "Teacher Learning Opportunities in Mathematics Curriculum Materials", was used as an initial framework by adding the unit development flow that reflects on the organizational features of teacher guidebooks in Korea for elementary mathematics. Then, the framework was modified and supplemented by testing 10 types of teacher guidebooks for Grades 3 and 4 per six units reflecting on different mathematical strands. As a result, the final framework expanded the initial framework and added elements related to each dimension of the framework according to the unit development flow. The analytical framework developed in this study can be used to closely analyze the educative features of teacher guidebooks of Korean elementary school mathematics in the future and to develop teacher guidebooks to promote teacher learning.
Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Using Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Education
김정원 Kim¸ Jeongwon , 권민성 Kwon¸ Minsung , 방정숙 Pang¸ Jeongsuk
26(4) 299-316, 2023
김정원 Kim¸ Jeongwon , 권민성 Kwon¸ Minsung , 방정숙 Pang¸ Jeongsuk
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 299-316, 2023
With the importance and necessity of using AI in the field of education, this study aims to explore elementary school teachers’ perceptions of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mathematics education. For this purpose, we conducted a survey using a 5-point Likert scale with 161 elementary school teachers and analyzed their perceptions of mathematics education with AI via four categories (i.e., Attitude of using AI, AI for teaching mathematics, AI for learning mathematics, and AI for assessing mathematics performance). As a result, elementary school teachers displayed positive perceptions of the usefulness of AI applications to teaching, learning, and assessment of mathematics. Specifically, they strongly agreed that AI could assist personalized teaching and learning, supplement prerequisite learning, and analyze the results of assessment. They also agreed that AI in mathematics education would not replace the teacher’s role. The results of this study also showed that the teachers exhibited diverse perceptions ranging from negative to neutral to positive. The teachers reported that they were less confident and prepared to teach mathematics using AI, with significant differences in their perceptions depending on whether they enacted mathematics lessons with AI or received professional training courses related to AI. We discuss the implications for the role of teachers and pedagogical supports to effectively utilize AI in mathematics education.
Analysis of Changes in Cognitive, Affect and Social Aspects of Elementary School Students through Mathematical Modeling Activities
강윤지 Kang¸ Yunji
26(4) 317-332, 2023
강윤지 Kang¸ Yunji
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 317-332, 2023
Mathematical modeling activities hold the potential for diverse applications, involving the transformation of real-life situations into mathematical models to facilitate problem-solving. In order to assess the cognitive, affective, and social dimensions of students' engagement in mathematical modeling activities, this study conducted sessions with ten groups of fifth-grade elementary school students. The ensuing processes and outcomes were thoroughly analyzed. As a result, each group effectively applied mathematical concepts and principles in creating mathematical models and gathering essential information to address real-world tasks. This led to notable shifts in interest, enhanced mathematical proficiency, and altered attitudes towards mathematics, all while promoting increased collaboration and communication among group members. Based on these analytical findings, the study offers valuable pedagogical insights and practical guidance for effectively implementing mathematical modeling activities.
A Model for Constructing Learner Data in AI-based Mathematical Digital Textbooks for Individual Customized Learning
이화영 Lee¸ Hwayoung
26(4) 333-348, 2023
이화영 Lee¸ Hwayoung
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 333-348, 2023
Clear analysis and diagnosis of various characteristic factors of individual students is the most important in order to realize individual customized teaching and learning, which is considered the most essential function of math artificial intelligence-based digital textbooks. In this study, analysis factors and tools for individual customized learning diagnosis and construction models for data collection and analysis were derived from mathematical AI digital textbooks. To this end, according to the Ministry of Education's recent plan to apply AI digital textbooks, the demand for AI digital textbooks in mathematics, personalized learning and prior research on data for it, and factors for learner analysis in mathematics digital platforms were reviewed. As a result of the study, the researcher summarized the factors for learning analysis as factors for learning readiness, process and performance, achievement, weakness, and propensity analysis as factors for learning duration, problem solving time, concentration, math learning habits, and emotional analysis as factors for confidence, interest, anxiety, learning motivation, value perception, and attitude analysis as factors for learning analysis. In addition, the researcher proposed noon data on the problem, learning progress rate, screen recording data on student activities, event data, eye tracking device, and self-response questionnaires as data collection tools for these factors. Finally, a data collection model was proposed that time-series these factors before, during, and after learning.
Exploring Ways to Connect Conceptual Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge in Mathematical Modeling
이예진 Lee¸ Ye-jin , 최미라 Choi¸ Mira , 김윤정 Kim¸ Yoonjung , 임미인 Lim¸ Miin
26(4) 349-368, 2023
이예진 Lee¸ Ye-jin , 최미라 Choi¸ Mira , 김윤정 Kim¸ Yoonjung , 임미인 Lim¸ Miin
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 349-368, 2023
The purpose of this study is to explore ways for students to connect conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematical modeling lessons. Accordingly, we selected the greatest common divisor among the learning contents in which elementary school students have difficulties connecting conceptual and procedural knowledge. A mathematical modeling lesson was designed and implemented to solve problems related to the greatest common divisor while connecting conceptual and procedural knowledge. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the mathematical modeling lesson had positive effects on students solving problems by connecting conceptual and procedural knowledge. In addition, through actual class application, a teaching and learning plan was derived to meaningfully connect conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematical modeling lessons.
Analysis of the Connection between Competency and Elementary School Content System and Achievement Standards in the 2022 Revised Mathematics Curriculum
이화영 Lee¸ Hwayoung
26(4) 369-385, 2023
이화영 Lee¸ Hwayoung
DOI: JANT Vol.26(No.4) 369-385, 2023
As the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum emphasizing competency cultivation was announced, the researcher analyzed the connection between competency, content system, and achievement standards in elementary school mathematics curriculum. The results of the analysis of the link between the competency of the curriculum revision research report, its sub-elements, the 'process and skills' of the curriculum content system, and the achievement standard verb are as follows. First, most of the five curriculum competencies (problem solving, reasoning, communication, connection, and information processing) of the mathematics department are implemented as "process-skills" of the content system, which is further specified and presented as an achievement-based verb. Second, the five competencies were not implemented with the same weight in all areas, and the appropriate process-skills were differentiated and presented according to the content of knowledge-understanding by area/grade group. Third, verbs of the achievement standards were more rich than before in the 2022 revised elementary school mathematics curriculum. Fourth, 'understanding' throughout the entire area was still presented as the highest proportion. Through the research results, the researcher discussed clearly establishing the meaning of problem-solving capabilities in the future and developing and presenting "understanding" as a more specific process or skills.